SEO Trends

by | Jan 15, 2023 | Blog

Methods to Use Google Trends for Content Marketing & SEO

Find out, some latest techniques for unlocking sui generis keyword research data with Google Trends.

One of the most astonishing and beneficial tools for keyword investigation is Google Trends, especially when one chooses to use latest search choices which are concealed in plain sight in real-time.

Go through the distinct Google Trends menu and options and find out the apparently infinite ways to get more keyword search volume insights.

Also, learn the novice ways to unfold the power of one of Google’s most pivotal SEO tools.

The Worth of Google Trends

Although, Google Trends is perfect and apt, it does not show the number of traffic in real numbers.

It will demonstrate the numbers of questions made in comparative percentage on a scale of zero to 100.

A bit different from Google Trends, remunerated SEO tools bids traffic capacity numbers for keywords.

But those statistics are only estimates that are inferred from a combination of web traffic information providers, Google keyword planner, frayed search results and other kinds of sources.

The clickstream information usually comes from anonymized traffic information or details, taken from users of certain or some kind of pop-up blockers, some free anti-virus software, and browser plugins.

Then, the SEO tools will use a calculation method that agrees to their best presumption of how the information connects with Google keyword search and traffic volume.

So, even if remunerated tools offer estimates or valuation of keyword traffic, the information/data presented by Google Trends is founded on the real search queries and not the presumptions.

That’s’ not to think that Google Trends is way much better than remunerated keyword tools. When it is used in combination with remunerated keyword tools, then individuals can get a nearly apt idea of real keyword search volume.

There are other purposes in Google Trends which can assists in dialling a perfect division of keyword data/information which assist to know what geographic locations are good for publicity efforts and also find new and latest trending keywords.

Using Google Trends for SEO & How It is Done

  1. Get More Perfect Information by Comparation of Keywords

Google Trends demonstrates a close picturing of traffic on a scale of 0-100.

You will truly never know if trend is broadcasting 100s of keywords searches or 1000s because the graph is on the close scale of 0-100.

Though, the close numbers can have more sense when the comparison is done with keywords for which there are traffic levels which are known from another phrase of keyword.

One of the methods is to do the comparison of the keyword search volume with a keyword whose perfect traffic numbers are known beforehand, for instance, from a campaign of PPC.

If the volume of keyword is huge for which you do not have a keyword to do the comparison, there is alternate method to identify a keyword for use and comparison.

A keyword which is of comparison does not need to be or have any relation. It could be in a full distinct vertical and it can also be the name of a trending celebrity.

The pivotal thing is the general keyword volume information or data.

Google circulates or issues a google daily trends internet-page which displays trending search queries.

Illustrations of How to Point Search Volume

Here I am going to use search phrase like, ‘how to lose weight’? as an illustration of how to use Google Trends to get a close idea of real search volume.

The way it is done here by using known search volumes and comparison of them with the aim keyword phrase.

Google offers search volumes on its search page, which is trending, and which can be even attuned or changed for what is trending in any country.

  1. Look for Search Trends for Aimed Keyword Phrases

The aimed keyword phrase that we are looking for is, ‘how to lose weight’?

Two keyword phrases are added by me for which we have a relative search volume count to compare all the three, but for a time period of 24-hours.

  1. Find Out Insights from Time-Based Trends

You can look at the keyword data in 2 general ways, which is extended across over shorter time periods and longer time periods.

Long Period Trends

You can do the setting of Google Trends to see the traffic movements extending back to 2004. This is useful for you to see the audience movements or trends.

Upward Long-Term Trends: If a movement or trend is regularly going up, this would mean that you require to concentrate energy on developing content for this trend.

Downward Long-Term Trends: If the trend or movement line is speedily going down, then it can be a sign that audience content consumption or in-take is changing.

For instance, review or recheck this 5-year trend for (WordPress) the look term WordPress the software, and WordPress the website.

There’s a clarity in the downward trend for WordPress in all 3 variations.

The downward trend stretches to close phrases like –

WordPress themes.

WordPress plugin.

WordPress hosting.

There are several reasons why the search trends go down. It could be because the traffic (people) lost interest, that the interest went elsewhere, or that the trend has become invalid.

The digital camera product category is a good illustration of a downward spiral caused by a product being changed by something else.

The digital camera caused the downturn in searches for traditional analogue cameras.

It is the iPhone which began the downward spiral of the digital camera.

Understanding which way, the air is blowing can assist a content marketer or publisher to know when it is time to secure on a topic or product category and to move towards the upward trending ones.

Connected Topics and Questions –

Google Trends comprises of 2 great features, one is known as the connected topics and other is known as the connected queries.


Topics/ subjects are exploration enquiries that share a concept.

Finding out connected topics which are trending upwards is important for knowing how a traffic or audience or consumer demand is changing.

This data can, in turn, offer ideas for content creation or new product choices.

According to Google:

“Connected or related topics

Users or People looking for your term also looked for these topics or subjects.

You can see the following metrics

Top – the most well-known subjects/topics, scoring is on a close scale where a value of 100 is the most commonly looked topic and a value of 50 is a subject searched half as often as the most well-known term, and so on.

Rising – Close topics with the huge increase in the search frequency since the last time period.

Results showed as ‘breakout’ had a huge increase, probably because these topics or subjects are new and had few (if any) previous searches.


Bill Davey

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